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Delivery and Collection of Children Policy

Policy Rationale

MakerDojo supports and ensures that only authorised nominees are permitted to collect a child. 

MakerDojo’s responsibility for an enrolled child begins when he/she arrives at our program and ends when collected by an authorised nominee. 


All children will be signed in and out by an Authorised Nominee. 

A Makerdojo staff member can at no time sign a child out of a program unless they are an immediate Family Member, a Legal Guardian or an Authorised Nominee of the child. 

Unauthorised Persons 

An Unauthorised Person is where the legal parent or guardian has indicated on the Enrolment Form that a person is not permitted to collect the child/ren, and/or any person where a legal order prevents them from collecting the child/ren. 

  • All children must be signed in and out by an Authorised Nominee. 
  • No persons under the age of 18 is permitted to collect a child from care.  

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to complete their child/ren’s enrolment or booking form to ensure that the appropriate people who may collect their child/ren are listed accordingly on the enrolment form.  

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure that the service is made aware of any court orders that are in place regarding contact with the child. These court orders are to be provided to the service so that we can ensure the wellbeing and protection of the child. When court orders exist, the service will not be able to honour the booking, unless court orders are received prior to the child’s attendance.  

Staff members will refer to the online enrolment system in relation to who is authorised to collect a child and will request photo ID for those persons that staff members have not met before, prior to children being permitted to leave the program. If a non-authorised person arrives to collect a child from a program, staff members will contact the child’s parent/guardian immediately. Staff members cannot release a child to a person who is not listed as an authorized person or nominee on the child’s enrolment record.  

Children will not be released to any person visibly affected by drugs/alcohol. 

Only Authorised Nominees nominated on the enrolment form can collect a child. Any changes to these authorities must be updated on the child’s enrolment record and/or provided in writing to the Dojo Sensei (Responsible Person). Written permission can be provided via email and/or text message in an emergency. This does not include unauthorised persons. 

Children will not be accepted into the service before 8.30am.  

The Non-Arrival of Children 

When a child is enrolled into a MakerDojo program and does not arrive at the program within 15 minutes of the start of the program (unless written notification has been received – Written permission can be provided via email and/or text message in an emergency) the following procedure will be followed: 

  • 10-15 mins after program start – The parent/guardian will be contacted to enquire about the child’s whereabouts. A message will be left where possible. 
  • During a suitable break, no earlier than 30 minutes after the program starts and if a message has not already been left – An email will be sent to the parent/guardian acknowledging the non-attendance of the child/ren and enquiring as their wellbeing and reasons for non-attendance. 

The Non-Collection of Children 

If by 4.15pm a child has not been picked up from program, then:  

A staff member will telephone parents/guardians.  

  • If contact cannot be made, at 4.30pm staff members will contact nominated emergency numbers to try to arrange collection of the child.  
  • If unsuccessful, staff members will contact a MakerDojo Director.  
  • At 4:45pm a MakerDojo Director will contact the Department of Health Human Services Child Protection for direction if no contact has been made with parents/guardians/authorised persons. The Dojo Sensei (Responsible Person) will be contacted to be advised of the action offered by the Department of Health and Human Services.  
  • A staff member will remain with the child at all times until the child has been picked up. Other staff may also be required to avoid a 1:1 child to adult ratio. 
  • The parent will be charged a late fee of $25.00 per.  
  • In instances where a parent/guardian knows they will be late collecting the child, we request that the parent/ guardian arrange an alternate pick up and contact the service to provide details. 

Contact Numbers  

Contact numbers for the Department of Human Services Child Protection Services are:  

  • Child Protection After Hours Service: 13 12 78  
  • Victorian Police: 000 
  • ACECQA National Quality Framework Resource Kit (2012)  
  • Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety  
  • Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities  
  • Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011), R 160, 161, 168, 99  
Version control date: March 2021 | To be reviewed: December 2021