MakerDojo delivers high quality and engaging educational holiday programs. With a significant number of stimulating activities and opportunities children may become tired and require a rest or break.
Makerdojo will provide sufficient breaks throughout the course of a program as well as a relaxation area within the MakerDojo space for children to access as needed. Children can make use of a variety of furniture such as couches, chairs, and tables along with non-program-related resources such as card and board games.
MakerDojo staff will ensure they are always aware of the position of all children to provide appropriate supervision.
The rest area may contain couches, chairs, cushions and tables with books, puzzles, cards, and board games available to encourage quiet time.
Sleeping during a program is discouraged.
ACECQA National Quality Framework Resource Kit (2012)
Quality Area 2 – Children’s Health & Safety
Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011), R 81
Education and Care Services National Law Act (2010), S 165
Version control Date: March 2021 | To be reviewed: December 2021