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Hygiene and Infection Policy

Policy Rationale

MakerDojo has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of all individuals at all times. Many of the hygiene habits developed during childhood will continue through life. MakerDojo demonstrates and models to children the hygiene practices which reduce the likelihood of cross infection and explain the reasons for them. Experiences that promote basic hygiene awareness assist children to become competent and independent and develop valuable life skills.  

Policy Rationale


Hand washing is the most effective way of controlling infection in the service. Staff and children should wash their hands:  

  • at the beginning and end of a shift  
  • before eating  
  • after going or taking a child to the toilet  
  • after cleaning up blood and other body substances including wiping noses  

All staff must wear gloves (disposable rubber or vinyl) when:  

  • in contact with blood or other body substances or open sores  
  • cleaning up faeces, vomit or blood  
  • when cleaning a contaminated area.  
  • Applying sunscreen to younger children 

Staff must wear gloves when cleaning if they have a break in the skin of their hands, or if they have dermatitis or eczema.  

Staff must wash their hands with soap & water after gloves have been removed.  

Staff must use individual gloves when applying sunscreen on each child.  

All surfaces will be cleaned thoroughly, daily.  

Areas contaminated with body fluids will be disinfected.  

The service will ensure that toilets and hand-washing facilities are easily accessible to children. Children will be encouraged to flush toilets after use, and wash and dry their hands.  

The service will ensure that all females have access to hygienic facilities for the appropriate disposal of sanitary pads and tampons.  

Staff will use individual tissues if they are required to assist young children to wipe their noses and individual washers for hands/faces. Tissues will be disposed of immediately after wiping a child’s nose. Wash hands after each procedure. Wipes may be used when outdoors.  

Equipment will be cleaned regularly.   

Children will be encouraged to follow good hygiene practices. Staff may discuss these subjects with groups and individual children if needed.  

Any scratches or bites will be cleaned immediately with soap and antiseptic.  

Staff are expected to act in ways that do not endanger the health and safety of children, parents or other staff, and to encourage healthy and safe behaviour in children by setting a good example. 

Information distribution about health and hygiene  

Employee and employer obligations in regard to OH & S issues are discussed with new staff as part of their induction. 

Staff are encouraged to report incidents which lead to high stress levels to a Master Sensei. Positive steps will be taken to understand and minimise stress suffered by individual staff members.  

When there is a notifiable infectious disease in the service, information will be made available to parents in a manner that is not prejudicial to the rights of staff or children. 

  • ACECQA National Quality Framework Resource Kit (2012)  
  • Quality Area 1 – Educational Program and Practice.  
  • Quality Area 2 – Children’s Health and Safety  
  • Quality Area 7 – Leadership and Service Management (Standard: 7.2; Elements: 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5) 
  • Education and Care Services National Law Act (2010), S 168, S 174  
  • Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011), R 173, R 176 
Version control date: March 2021 | To be reviewed: December 2021